Telford SENDIASS Steering Group
Telford SENDIASS Steering Group has been developed to ensure that the service is meeting the requirements within the National IASS Minimum Standards and to support service future development.
We have representation from a range of organisations including education, health, social care, early years, post 16 voluntary and statutory services involved with children and young people 0-25 years with additional needs.
The group includes parents who have been involved with the service and are well placed to providing parental perspective on the effectiveness in service development.
We meet termly and our aim is to ensure that we have a wide representation of parents and young people to help inform and shape service delivery.
Purpose / Aims:
Promote and develop the IASS Service (SENDIASS)
Ensure the Service continues to meet the requirements of the National IASS Minimum Standards
Maintain Telford SENDIASS as an outsourced service from the Local Authority (“arm’s length” service)
Work in partnership with the SENDIASS and the Local Authority
Review and monitor the Service Operational Plan
Help to monitor the resources of the SENDIASS
Support the SENDIASS Manager and Staff team
Ensure that the SENDIASS meets the needs of parent/carers for impartial information, advice and support
Provide regular feedback from service user views on Telford SENDIASS
The Steering Group will be a forum for parents/carers and young people to support the service and express their views to:
Identify and promote good practice, raise issues and concerns, identify gaps in services
Pass on the above information to relevant agencies
Have a formal mechanism for presenting this information to the Local Authority
Have a formal mechanism for the Local Authority and relevant agencies to respond to the above
Have a formal mechanism for the Local Authority to keep the group informed of developments in other people services.
The Steering Group plays an active role in ensuring that the Service is operating impartially and “at arm’s length” from the Local Authority by:
Having a clear understanding with the Local Authority on the role of the Service
Promoting a culture of challenge and support; supporting both the SENDIASS and Local Authority in service delivery and the arrangements for maintaining impartiality
Terms of Reference:
Click HERE to view our Steering Group Terms of Reference.
Minutes of the meeting are taken and circulated to all members.
Parents who wish to become a member of our Steering Group are welcome and will be offered an initial induction and ongoing support.
If you would like to know more or would like to join our Steering Group please contact one of our SENDIASS team.
Interested in joining our Steering Group? Simply fill out the registration from below or download a copy HERE
Click HERE to view our Steering Group flyer
View our Quarterly Service Contract Report here: